So, received an interesting piece of mail yesterday from my primary life company: Current Trends in Diabetes and Underwriting Diabetic Applicants.
(And yes, I am geeky enough that I find this stuff fascinating)
Turns out, a lot of the hype we see and hear on TV and the radio isn't really hype, after all, The mailing quoted CDC studies which revealed that:
(And yes, I am geeky enough that I find this stuff fascinating)
Turns out, a lot of the hype we see and hear on TV and the radio isn't really hype, after all, The mailing quoted CDC studies which revealed that:
■ The number of Americans diagnosed with diabetes more than tripled from 1980 to 2010
■ In 2010, more than 200,000 Americans under age 20 had diabetes
■ Almost 80 million Americans are considered "pre-diabetic."
In a follow-up conversation with my underwriter, I was told that this carrier alone (hardly one of the biggest names) receives over 300 apps a year on folks who didn't even know they were diabetic.
Trendy Diabetics
Reviewed by ndolpit
Published :
Rating : 4.5
Published :
Rating : 4.5