SCOTUS - Obamacare - Sour Grapes

Obamacare - The Movie

Va bene signoras e signores

How 'bout ANOTHER $17 Trillion ObamneyCareBux©?

Wouldn't you like to be a pepper, too?

SCOTUS vs Obamacare Summation

Cavalcade of Risk #154: Call for submissions

Disingenuous ObamneyCare© Proponents

SwedishCare: "Shut up or die"

Nate vs Chad: Entering the Ring

Unlucky 7

Health Wonk Review: SCOTUS in the news edition

Wednesday ObamneyCare© Update


SCOTUS on Obamacare - Day 3


SCOTUS on Obamacare - Day 2

ObamneyCare© and the MVNHS©: Twin sons...

SCOTUS Secrets

Obama vs. Obama

SCOTUS on Obamacare - Day 1

Shecantbeserious over-reaching - Again

Organ Transplants and Death Panels

Essential Health Benefits and the Coverage of Contraceptives